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Royalties for songwriters and composers grow by 28% to record €10.8 billion in 2022

Written by ANote Music | Feb 22, 2024

Whether you have just started your journey into music royalties on ANote Music or you are a veteran, there is an annual appointment that you may not want to miss and that is the release of the CISAC Global Collections Report.

The Global Collections Report is CISAC’s annual statistical overview of authors' societies' global collections on behalf of creators. It features a comprehensive and detailed analysis of collections by repertoire, region, and income stream, along with the trends and key drivers behind them. 

This year’s report looks particularly promising, with royalties for songwriters and composers rising by 28.0% to a record 10.8 billion euros in 2022. According to the report, this growth was driven by sustained digital revenue, a post-COVID resurgence of live and public performance income, and a resilient broadcast sector. This is the largest rise on record and the first time that music income has exceeded ten billion euros.

When it comes to segmentation, in 2022 digital became, for the first time, the largest music income segment. Music collections from digital grew by 33.5% in 2022, reaching 4.1 billion euros and overtaking broadcast to become the largest global income stream (37.7% of total collections). This trend resulted from steady user growth on music streaming platforms and some new and improved licensing deals with services such as Spotify, Netflix, and Twitch.

Data included in the report indicates that the USA was the largest contributor to digital music growth, with collections by 44.7%. Within the top ten collecting countries, France grew by more than 40%, while the UK and Germany increased by 25%.

From a global perspective, every region experienced growth in 2022, with Europe remaining the largest at more than half the global total. Strong growth in North America slightly narrowed the gap to second place, while revenues in Latin America increased by 66.1%, helped by the strong expansion of live and background income.

Check this and much more information on the complete version of the report here and, if you are still not part of ANote Music's community of investors, visit our platform and create a FREE account and you will get your opportunity to earn royalties from a broad selection of music catalogues coming from renewed songwriters, composers and publishers such as Sterling Fox, Logan Mader, Steve James and many more.

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