ANote Music has been hitting high notes during the second quarter, consolidating the growth trend experienced during the first quarter of 2023. Besides a considerable and improved performance in royalty distributions, which is the result of an expansion in catalogues listings achieved in 2022, the past three months have also seen as highlights among other things:
In Q2 2023 ANote Music has distributed a total of €49,699.62 spread over 14 payouts to our investor community, more than four times (+478%) the royalties distributed in the same period in 2022.
Table 1: Royalties distributed per month on the ANote Music platform
(Q2 2022 vs. Q2 2023)
The improved performance comes as a result of the greater amount of catalogues distributing royalties during the second quarter of the year, which translated into more royalties distributed during every month of Q2 2023 with respect to previous years, especially in the months of April 2023 and May 2023 where we paid six and nine times more royalties compared to the same months in the past year respectively (in absolute terms).
(Q2 2022 vs. Q2 2023)
Since the beginning of 2023, ANote Music has distributed a total of €112,575.39 across 29 payouts to its investor community, a 111.21% increase compared to the royalties distributed in the first six months in 2022. Below you can find a list of all the royalty payouts that took place over the past three months on our marketplace.
Table 2: Royalty payouts per individual catalogue
(Q2 2023)
Our mission of democratising the access to music investments is well on its way thanks to another exciting quarter which brings the total amount of royalties distributed to €337,653.27 across 82 payouts, since the launch of our platform in 2020.
Did you miss these payouts? Don’t worry, an entirely new quarter is just getting started and many new royalty payouts are expected to take place over the next months on the ANote Music platform. If you are still not part of our community of investors, visit our platform and create a FREE account and you will get the chance to live your music investment experience to the fullest.
Stay tuned!